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Producten oogsten en verwerken uit onze tuin

Producten oogsten en verwerken uit onze tuin

Project role (Temporary) · 2–16 hrs/Week
Briljantlaan 101, 3523 CD Utrecht, Netherlands
Social contactOutdoorsGardening
Nature & sustainabilityAnimal welfareChildren & youth
3 Good health and well-being11 Sustainable cities and communities15 Life on land
The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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kinderboerderij Nieuw Rotsoord
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Beheerder Nieuw RotsoordAsk Beheerder a question


Kom je helpen met het verwerken van groenten en kruiden uit onze moestuin en theetuin? Help met het plukken, drogen van thee, maken van jam, pesto en quiches.

Detailed description

Bij voorkeur op dinsdag, woensdag of donderdag.

Zelfstandig en netjes kunnen werken.

Je hebt geen ervaring nodig. Je kunt het hier leren en gebruik maken van onze recepten.

Bij voorkeur wekelijks een vast moment, maar het is ook mogelijk om flexibel te werk te gaan. Dit gaat in overleg.

Getting there

The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About kinderboerderij Nieuw Rotsoord

Chickens, goats, sheep, rabbits and guinea pigs and various aviary birds are kept at the petting zoo. There is a terrace, a sandpit and playground for children. An old standard fruit orchard, a herb garden and a botanical garden and children's vegetable gardens form the green interpretation of the area.

Kinderboerderij Nieuw Rotsoord is a residents' initiative in the Hoograven district. With the help of many volunteers, reintegrants and interns, we maintain the green oasis in the neighborhood. Our main objectives are:
- maintain this green space
- meeting place for residents from the surrounding neighborhoods
- education.

Due to its central location between the districts of Hoograven, Tolsteeg and Rivierenwijk, Nieuw Rotsoord has an enormous attraction for residents with children. The petting zoo is a meeting place for young and old. On sunny days, the number of visitors runs to over 200. By organizing activities (on average one per month) we try to shape the meeting function and education. In the past 2 years we have mainly been busy setting up a tea house to strengthen the meeting function. In the tea house we deliver home-made organic products (biscuits, cakes and pies, homemade bread).

In addition to a meeting place, Nieuw Rotsoord is also a place for activities and information. Nieuw Rotsoord can offer its visitors background information on a range of sustainable topics.
The petting zoo is the only green area of size in the surrounding neighborhoods that plays an important role in terms of nature and environmental experience. Visitors and especially children can smell, feel and taste their environment. Petting rabbits in the cuddle box, your own vegetable garden, picking apples yourself and running in the grass or lazing around in the orchard, clambering in the clambering hills, a small piece of “nature terrain” with hills, valleys and tree trunks where children can climb and clamber to their heart's content .
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