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Sponsoring: wat kan jouw bedrijf betekenen?


VC Utrecht ondersteunt, promoot en waardeert vrijwilligers en vrijwilligerswerk in Utrecht. Hiervoor organiseren we vaak acties, events en campagnes, waarvoor we de hulp van Utrechtse bedrijven goed kunnen gebruiken. Helpen kan op verschillende manieren:

Knowledge and network

As a company you have a lot of knowledge and skills in-house, with which you can help civil society organisations enormously. For example, help with setting up a social media campaign or setting up an IT system. Many, especially small, organizations do not have the resources and knowledge for this. So they will be very grateful for your help.

Maybe you know other companies that (also) would like to get involved in social media? Nice if you introduce us to each other! #networks


December is the Utrecht appreciation month for volunteers! In our special webshop they can order nice presents: from tickets for FC Utrecht and cinema vouchers, to coffee with a cake or a guided tour in a museum. Do you have something to offer to Utrecht volunteers? We'd love to hear from you!

Maybe you have some stuff and/or space left? Many organisations can use office equipment, old laptops or a workplace. If you have something to offer, you can do so through The Utrecht Challenge.

Money: sponsor our dinner

Our biggest appreciation action is our annual dinner on the National Day of the Volunteer (7 December). Over 500 invited volunteers can enjoy a 3-course dinner. To realize this festive evening we are looking for donors. Would you like to contribute to this? Then please contact us.

Contact person

Robin Izelaar-Laisina
Robin Izelaar-Laisina[email protected]adviseur