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Make the difference with your team!

Corporate Social Responsibility

More and more companies are demonstrating their commitment to society. By using their employees as coaches, by putting their hands up for a good cause or by making their knowledge available to social organisations. In short, more and more companies are doing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

VC Utrecht: your intermediary

Do you, as a company, also want to know what the possibilities are for Socially Involved Entrepreneurship in Utrecht? We are well acquainted with the organisations, foundations and associations in Utrecht and can therefore always create a suitable match. Please contact us for the possibilities! 

Hoe start je met medewerkersvrijwilligerswerk?

Voor alle bedrijven die willen beginnen met medewerkersvrijwilligerswerk of dit verder willen uitbouwen en het duurzaam willen verankeren binnen het bedrijf, heeft het NOV een mooie toolkit geschreven. Klik hier om deze toolkit te lezen.

Volunteering with your team

Social Team Activity

Help a local organisation by working together with your team for a day. Not only is it fun as an activity, but it also makes your employees feel proud and you immediately do something for society! There are several possibilities: from chores on a petting zoo to walking with the elderly. We are happy to tell you more!

Become a sponsor?

Become a sponsor?

We regularly put Utrecht volunteers in the spotlight, with fun actions and presents. With this we want to show how important we think their commitment is. Do you and your company want to contribute to this? We list the different possibilities for you.

Networking on the Stock Exchange floor

Networking events

A few times a year we organise networking meetings where we link companies and civil society organisations. Often with nice matches as a result!

Contact person

Robin Izelaar-Laisina
Robin Izelaar-Laisina[email protected]adviseur
Sandra Kamta
Sandra Kamta[email protected]projectmedewerker