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Dutch Film Festival is looking for construction&decoration team!

Dutch Film Festival is looking for construction&decoration team!

Event · 13 Sept 2024, 12:00 – 5 Oct 2024, 23:00
Vinkenburgstraat, 3512 AA Utrecht, Netherlands
Events & festivalConstructionPhotography & film
Art & cultureCommunity & familyChildren & youth
Applications closing in 19 days.
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Het Nederlands Film Festival
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Contact person

Anita SchuurmanAsk Anita a question


The NFF is the party of Dutch cinema. Do you want to experience it from behind the scenes? Sign up as a volunteer!

Detailed description

The 44th edition of the NFF will take place from 20 to 27 September. These days, Utrecht is the film capital of the Netherlands, where Dutch film culture gets the honorary stage it deserves. Films from short to long, from arthouse to mainstream, from analogue to digital. Feature films, documentaries, animations, short films, television dramas, games, interactive projects and events for young and old: you will find it at the NFF!


Every year there are more than 300 volunteers working in various positions. Volunteers are indispensable for the NFF. Young and old, studying, working and retired: everyone is welcome! We are also looking for volunteers who want to help with the construction and decoration. Do you want to help make the festival a success again this year? Do you know how to tackle and would you like to be actively involved in the NFF? Come and help as a volunteer!


NFF asks?

-        You are enthousiastic, reliable, and willing to make this year's festival a great success

-        You are available for a minimum of four shifts before, during or after the festival. Depending on your position and availability, you will work before, during and/or after the festival.

The position

This team is responsible for the festival's look and feel at all locations and the city centre of Utrecht. You will help building

and decorating locations. From painting walls to preparing red carpets and set

up the lights! Do you like to fix things and is a fun work environment

important to you? Sign up for the construction & decoration crew.


NFF offers…

-        An unique peek behind the scenes at one of the biggest film festivals in The Netherlands

-        Work experience and a nice addition to your resume

-        The opportunity to meet new likeminded people who love films and festivals

-        A special volunteer screening

-        Interesting trainings for certain positions 


Getting there

Applications closing in 19 days.
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About Het Nederlands Film Festival

Every year in September, the NFF organizes the Netherlands Film Festival where the Golden Calves are awarded. The permanent staff of 15 people will be expanded to the festival with approximately 75 employees and 350 volunteers.
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