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VNG Volunteer insurance


The VNG Volunteer Insurance/Domstadpolis is an umbrella safety net insurance for all volunteers, informal carers and social trainees working within the municipality of Utrecht. This means that other insurances, either taken out by the organisation or by the volunteers, always take precedence. The insurance applies during voluntary work, informal care or social work placement and during the journey there or back. 

The policy includes

  • Accident and personal property insurance for volunteers;
  • liability insurance for volunteers;
  • liability insurance for legal persons;
  • driver's liability insurance for volunteers;
  • traffic liability for legal persons;
  • legal expenses insurance for volunteers.

Secondary coverage

The insurances under the VNG Volunteer Insurance/Domstadpolis (except the accident insurance) offer secondary cover: that is to say, the insurance is only effective insofar as the damage is not covered by other insurances taken out by the organisation or the volunteer himself.

No replacement for own insurance

The Domstadpolis is an umbrella safety-net insurance and therefore no replacement for the own accident and liability insurance. So don't cancel it! The policy only applies in specific cases relating to working as a volunteer, where the own insurance is inadequate.

Fellow careworkers | Undocumented labor

Fellow careworkers are co-insured under all headings except traffic liability for legal persons. Undocumented migrants who volunteer within the municipality of Utrecht are co-insured in the Domstadpolis.

Costs and registration

The costs for the volunteer insurance are paid by the Municipality of Utrecht. Volunteers and/or organizations do not need to be registered for the policy. You will therefore not receive any policy documents. No policy will be issued to organizations either.

Please note: an association of owners (VvE) has no coverage under the Domstadpolis. 

Flowchart: to whom does the policy apply?

Stroomschema Schades

Who is covered by the VNG Volunteer Insurance?

  • Informal carers who structurally provide at least 8 hours per week of informal care to family, partner, neighbour, acquaintance or friend.
  • People who provide a quid pro quo for their social assistance benefit.
  • Volunteers in any organised context. The volunteer does voluntary work:

This scheme has been drawn up by Vereniging NOV and checked by the VNG and Centraal Beheer Achmea.

Contact person

Robin Izelaar-Laisina
Robin Izelaar-Laisina[email protected]Adviseur
06 -8200 6976

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