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About Café Averechts

In Café Averechts you can hang around the bar carefree and still mean something to the world. We give away all our profits. And we do that in two ways. First of all, we have the tip jar. Every two months we have a project that we support. The conditions: no overheads, concrete, original, world-improving and promoting self-reliance. How does it work? You tip. Preferably as much as possible. On the wall behind the bar is where your tip will go. We put your money in a jar. And after two months we double the amount and send it to charity. Anyway, simple and clear. Then there is the profit. Method two. Of course, we use the profit to pay our energy bills, and the drinks and so on, but we also give the rest away. And where that is going, you can also see: on the bulletin board.

Only volunteers work at cafe Averechts. Behind the bar and in the kitchen, because on Sundays we transform the cafe into an eatery. Furthermore, there is music, poetry, art and all kinds of theme cafes.

A cozy cafe with a good heart!
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