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AxionContinu locatie Voorveldse Hof

About AxionContinu locatie Voorveldse Hof

De Voorveldse Hof is a location with 7 small-scale group homes where a total of 56 people with dementia live. Each house, where 8 residents live, has a common living room with kitchen. In addition, each resident has a sitting / sleeping room with bathroom. Voorveldse Hof has a large courtyard and a Grand Cafe on the ground floor.

Small-scale living In the small-scale living groups, the household is shaped by a permanent team of carers together with the residents. The rhythm of normal daily life is maintained. Due to the small scale, there is close contact between the employees and the residents and their families. In this way, the lifestyle, as the clients were used to at home, can be continued as much as possible in a homely atmosphere.
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