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Los Cachorros

About Los Cachorros

Los Cachorros Foundation is committed to street children from 6 to 18 years old in Peru. Los Cachorros offers help to mostly traumatized and addicted street children. They often roam the streets because of poverty, violence or abuse at home.

On the street, the children soon come into contact with petty crime and drug use to cope with the harsh street life. Street children live in very unsanitary conditions and sexual abuse is widespread. In addition, these children are faced with rejection and marginalization on a daily basis.

Via street work, shelter, psychosocial help and education, Los Cachorros guides these children from the street back to family or to a future on their own two feet. Shelter Los Cachorros offers a safe haven, where street children can flourish into self-confident adolescents.

Personal attention and love are central. Los Cachorros ensures that the children can be children again and gives them knowledge, skills and confidence for the future!
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