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Social media specialist

Social media specialist

Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week
Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland
Refugees & minorities
11 Sustainable cities and communities15 Life on land
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Parenting Across Borders
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Contact person

Najuan DaadlehAsk Najuan a question


Managing the organisation's social media platforms and posting weekly about social activities and blog posts.

Detailed description

About Parenting across Borders

Parenting Across Borders is a bottom-up social initiative established by international parents in Utrecht. We provide individual support for international parents - parenting a child in the first 1000 days of life - in a safe and judgment-free dialogue.

About the volunteering position

The Parenting Across Borders social media platforms are aimed at reaching out to all international parents and professionals from Youth Health care, located in Utrecht, who would like to know about our activities and projects.

As a social media specialist, you will be part of a small and awesome team working on raising awareness regarding parenting a child in a country other than your homeland. Your role will mainly be:

  • Managing the different social medial platforms, such as facebook, twitter and LinkedIn
  • Posting weekly regarding our activities and projects.
  • Help improve page visitors and followers on different social media accounts.

What we offer

  • A monthly volunteering compensation.
  • An opportunity to be part of an inspiring and diverse team of an emerging social initiative.
  • An opportunity to become more affiliated with the topic of parenting in a migration setting.
  • An opportunity to learn more about the dialogue approach.  
  • Assist in updating the website and blog of the organisation.

Your skills and experience

  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English and one (or more) other languages.
  • Some affinity with social media pages and with web-related work.
  • Self-directed and motivated.
  • Energetic and eager to tackle new ideas and content.
  • Interested in topics related to Parenting and Migration.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Parenting Across Borders

Parenting across Borders is a social initiative that offers individual support to international parents in a dialogue group. Through dialogue we want to offer international parents a safe space in which we create space for a process of self-reflection and personal learning.

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