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Speelotheek Tuf-Tuf

About Speelotheek Tuf-Tuf

Tuf-Tuf is a special play library. For a small price (only 22 euros per year), adapted toys can be borrowed for chronically ill children, for children with developmental delay, and for children with a physical or mental disability and their brothers and sisters.

Every child must be able to play, including children with a disability. It is sometimes difficult for these children and their parents to find suitable toys. Adapted toys are also expensive. At Tuf-Tuf there are all kinds of special toys that stimulate the senses, development material, musical instruments and physiotherapeutic aids.

Tuf-Tuf is located at Koningsweg 2 in Utrecht East. The play-o-theek is open twice a week, on Wednesday morning (from 9.30 am to 11 am) and Saturday morning (from 10 am to 12 noon).
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