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Stichting Bloeyendael

Stichting Bloeyendael

Non-profit or charity


The Bloeyendael Foundation is involved in the ecological management of Park Bloeyendael. The park is located on the eastern edge of Utrecht between the Waterlinieweg and the Provinciehuis. The park is ...

Nature & sustainability
Stichting Bloeyendael

About Stichting Bloeyendael

The Bloeyendael Foundation is involved in the ecological management of Park Bloeyendael. The park is located on the eastern edge of Utrecht between the Waterlinieweg and the Provinciehuis. The park is 8 ha. large and managed with the help of volunteers. In addition, the Bloeyendael Foundation monitors the (spatial) developments in the Rijnsweerd area to ensure that the natural value of the area is preserved.
The Bloeyendael Foundation has ANBI status.
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Beheerder / Bestuurslid Stichting Bloeyendael
Organisation role · Flexible hours
Beheerder / Bestuurslid Stichting Bloeyendael
Heb je interesse in, en wat ervaring met natuurbeheer en met het gebruik van natuurpark Bloeyendael door bezoekers, werk je graag met vrijwilligers?Posted by Stichting Bloeyendael
