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Stichting Historische Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd

About Stichting Historische Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd

In the beautiful forest of Amelisweerd, the Stichting Historisch Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd leases and manages two vegetable gardens that have probably existed since the Middle Ages. The Foundation ensures that the cultural-historical character of both gardens is preserved and that only organic cultivation is done. Urban agriculture in optima forma.

In addition, StHMLA makes it possible for volunteers to work in the gardens. They contribute to the maintenance and beautification of the cultural-historical vegetable gardens, close to the city in a beautiful historic location.

The board of the Foundation meets four times a year, where the horticulturalists who run the horticultural businesses are also represented.
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Stichting Historische Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd

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