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Stichting Kindertriathlon Leidsche Rijn

About Stichting Kindertriathlon Leidsche Rijn

On June 30, 2019 Stichting Kindertriathlon Leidsche Rijn is organizing a children's triathlon for ages 8 to 12. Our mission is to get the youth of Utrecht moving. With this event we want to bring the youth out together and give them a sporting challenge that they can be proud of afterwards. Ultimately, sport connects and the foundation wants to contribute to the cohesion in the neighborhood. Triathlon consists of three parts: swimming-cycling-running. This event is also supported and recognized by the Dutch Triathlon Association (NTB). The distances for this event have been adjusted so that the event is accessible to everyone with different talents.

What can you do as a volunteer?

As a volunteer you can help during the race as a traffic controller or as a course guide. You must be present for both roles from 12:00 - 15:00. In addition, we are looking for volunteers to help set up the pre-race course (from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) and finish the course after the race (from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM).
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