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Stichting Leergaloos

About Stichting Leergaloos

Leergaloos Foundation stimulates the connection between generations. We link people over 55 to primary schools in the area. And that leads to exchange, new experiences and fun!

The volunteer provides structural support to the teacher. The school offers the senior a fun and meaningful volunteer position. The senior does not teach: he or she helps in the classroom. The teacher indicates what kind of support he or she is looking for. The senior also indicates what kind of activity he or she wants to help with. This varies from reading to helping with crafts or in the vegetable garden. Leergaloos makes an inventory and makes the right match.
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Recently added opportunities

Master Joost, will you come and help me?
Organisation role · 2–6 hrs/Week
Master Joost, will you come and help me?
Participating in the upper years (groups 6 to 8) at a primary school as a 55-year-old is so much fun! No day is the same.Posted by Stichting Leergaloos
Passion for gardening with children?
Organisation role · 2–6 hrs/Week
Passion for gardening with children?
Are you over 55 and do you like to pass on your love for gardening to students of a primary school on Kanaleneiland?Posted by Stichting Leergaloos
Voorlezen, spelletjes doen en knutselen met kleuters?
Organisation role · 4–5 hrs/Week
Voorlezen, spelletjes doen en knutselen met kleuters?
De Gertrudisschool in Rivierenwijk zoekt een vrijwilliger, die met kleuters wil lezen, knutselen en spelletjes doen.Posted by Stichting Leergaloos
Conciërge voor 1 dag in de week op basisschool in Dichterswijk
Organisation role · 6–8 hrs/Week
Conciërge voor 1 dag in de week op basisschool in Dichterswijk
De Kleine Dichter zoekt een conciërge/gastheer of -vrouw voor 1 dag in de week.Posted by Stichting Leergaloos
Medewerker voor bibliotheek op basisschool
Organisation role · 1–4 hrs/Week
Medewerker voor bibliotheek op basisschool
De Luc Stevensschool in Kanaleneiland zoekt vrijwilliger, die wil ondersteunen in schoolbibliotheek.Posted by Stichting Leergaloos


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