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Animal Caretaker

Animal Caretaker

Organisation role · 6–24 hrs/Week · Starting from 1 Jun 2024
Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland
Animal care
Animal welfareNature & sustainabilitySocial justice
3 Good health and well-being12 Responsible consumption and production15 Life on land
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Stichting Snorhaar
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Frederike LijffijtAsk Frederike a question


In this position you will care for hedgehogs in our facilities. Cleaning their enclosures, giving them food and water and providing the best care.

Detailed description

Stichting Snorhaar (Whisker foundation) is a wildlife rehabilitation center for small mammals (Hedgehogs, Hares, Bunnies and Squirrels. We want to provide the best care for the animals and are convinced that we can stimulate others to care for their environment better.

Your job

As animal caretaker you help with the care of hedgehogs. This is necessary because they are messy! You make sure that they have a clean enclosure with fresh food and water. Our prickly guest will be depending on your good care. Besides this you help with other tasks that are necessary to keep our facilities running and clean. With more experience it is possible to get more responsibility. You can grow to become a specialised caretaker helping out with our other animals like (baby) bunnies, hares and squirrels.

We are looking for someone that:

  • has a passion for wild animals
  • can work independently
  • is flexible and understanding (We are a new organisation not everything will be super smooth)
  • is accurate
  • can at least work a shift of 4 hours in the week
  • isn't grossed out by animals (and their poo) and is willing to clean enclosures (this is a big part of your responsibilities)

We offer:

  • A nice experience and contact with the cutest wild animals
  • an opportunity to learn more about Dutch wildlife
  • possibilities to grow to more specialized volunteer work
  • a nice working day in a small team
  • We will make sure that at least one member of the team also speaks English during your working days

We are looking for 15 animal caretakers at the moment. If we get more applications it could be that you are placed on a waiting list. After your application we will contact you as soon as possible for a meeting by phone. In march there will be a training session for all new volunteers.

Getting there

Onze locatie komt bij Tuincentrum Steck in overvecht
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About Stichting Snorhaar

Stichting Snorhaar is er voor dier en mens! We vangen zieke en gewonde wilde dieren op die na herstel weer terugkeren naar de natuur. Ook leren we je meer over dieren, zodat we in harmonie met elkaar kunnen leven.
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