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Stichting Tröst

About Stichting Tröst

A meeting place for anyone dealing with loss

Death is unmistakably part of our lives. Sooner or later everyone will have to deal with it; the death of a parent, partner, child, relative or friend. Loss of a loved one deeply affects your own life. But in our society, attention to grief and loss is not self-evident. While this attention can be so healing and nourishing. The TrösT Foundation consists of a group of enthusiastic and passionate volunteers who offer a wide range of activities to people dealing with grief and loss. They take place at various locations (mainly community centers) in and around Utrecht. We give everyone's story the space, knowledge and insight are deepened and we provide tools to pick up life again.

Our activities
Every last Sunday of the month we organize a Café Tröst in café Averechts (Vogelenbuurt) where discussions are held with fellow sufferers on the basis of a theme. There are regular workshops (dance, visual arts, music) and there are lectures and walks. We also work with other organizations for larger events, such as Humanitas and various Libraries. View the most current program at
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