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Mentor for a seventh grader at School's cool

Mentor for a seventh grader at School's cool

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Koningin Wilhelminalaan 8, 3527 LD Utrecht, Netherlands
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Taal Doet Meer
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Xanne HendriksAsk Xanne a question


Mentor for a first year student from a foreign language family. As a mentor you help with school and language and you visit your pupil for 1.5 hours every week.

Detailed description

“As a mentor for School's cool, I am involved in providing structure, helping with prioritization and a bit of homework guidance. It costs me an average of one to two hours a week. I am now guiding a Syrian boy, Mahmoud, who is very eager to learn better. What is very motivating for me as a mentor is that Mahmoud really wants the help himself, just like his parents. I have supervised several children and it is fascinating to see that every child is different. A different approach is always needed and that keeps volunteering interesting for me.” - Kelly Wams, mentor School's cool.

What do you do as Mentor School's Cool?

As a mentor, you individually supervise a Utrecht youth aged 12-14 years from a foreign-language family on a weekly basis. After following an introductory course, you start supervising a young person (pupil). This guidance focuses on study skills, homework and language skills, but also on the general development of your pupil. You make weekly home visits and you have contact with the school where necessary. In addition, you will be supervised by a voluntary mentor coordinator with whom you regularly discuss progress and contact with your pupil.

What do you have at home?

  • You have an affinity with young people, language and cultures;
  • You are good at guiding and enthusing people;
  • You are open to new encounters;
  • You are eager to learn and can function well independently
  • You are available for about two hours a week and are reliable
  • You are willing to commit for a period of one and a half years;
  • You are willing to develop and participate in an in-depth workshop or training and you are aware of your pitfalls.

What do you get in return?

Through your efforts, you ensure that young people (12-14 years old) make a good start in the first year and can later participate in Utrecht society. After all, you need language to make friends, find a job, do your banking or do your homework. Meaningful work with a major social impact! At the same time, you get to know other cultures, you get a lot of enthusiastic Taal Doet Meer colleagues and you can develop through various appropriate training courses.

Are you interested in the position of School's cool mentor? Then use the button below to register.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

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About Taal Doet Meer

Taal Doet Meer, with 1000 volunteers per year, ensures that Utrecht residents can participate in society. Learning the Dutch language is a common thread in our work. Language is necessary to find a job, talk to your children's teacher, go to the doctor, work with a computer or do your homework.

Voluntary language coaches offer language coaching and activation to men and women who do not have Dutch as their mother tongue. Our volunteer mentors support students with language and schoolwork. They receive extra support to make a good start in first year and when doing homework.

Our work benefits everyone involved: students get to know the language and society. Students perform better in school. Volunteers broaden their horizons, develop their social skills and contribute to understanding and cohesion within Utrecht society.
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