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Lady with Alzheimer's is looking for a buddy who speaks Russian or Latvian

Lady with Alzheimer's is looking for a buddy who speaks Russian or Latvian

Organisation role · 2 hrs/Week
Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland
BefriendingSocial contactRussian
WellbeingPeople with disabilitiesOlder people
1 No Poverty3 Good health and well-being5 Gender equality
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Hulp bij Dementie
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The lady has been living with Alzheimer's for a while and enjoys company, would you like to be her buddy? The lady does not speak Dutch, only Russian or Latvian

Detailed description

The lady lives with her daughter and son-in-law and the care is becoming increasingly difficult. Your arrival also makes her informal caregivers very happy, which gives them some relief.

The lady likes to watch Animal Planet, but also likes to paint her nails, for example. Do you have some attention left for this nice lady? It will give you great satisfaction, your arrival matters! Curious? Contact us (without obligation) and we can tell you more. 

No knowledge or experience with dementia? No problem, we will provide you with short training and guidance where necessary. You do need an open attitude and the time and space to commit to this lady for at least six months. 

Are you now thinking: interesting, but this doesn't really suit me? Please contact us and we will look together for someone who suits you. We have a waiting list of people waiting for a nice buddy.

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Hulp bij Dementie

About three thousand people with dementia live in the municipality of Utrecht, a large part of them still live at home, often with their partner or with the help of the children. Help with Dementia links volunteers to people with dementia and/or to the family who care for them. The volunteer helps them by being there: offering company or a listening ear makes all the difference for the person with dementia and the carer.
If you register as a volunteer, we will first make an appointment to get to know you. We also discuss your wishes, such as in which part of the city you want to work and what you would prefer to do with your client. If you are still enthusiastic, you will follow a short education about dementia and we will ensure a good match. We will then agree that you will visit your client for at least six months. During your work with us, you can always contact us with your questions.
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