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Pianist (m/f)

Pianist (m/f)

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Kloosterweide 2, 3451 VN Vleuten, Netherlands
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Johannes Hospitium Vleuten
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The Johannes Hospice is looking for pianists who would like to play for our residents on a Sunday approximately once a month.

Detailed description

The Johannes Hospice is looking for pianists who would like to play for our residents approximately once a month. Music is played for our guests every Sunday from 15:00 to around 16:00. Our guests and their families very much enjoy this weekly musical hour. The team of pianists will together draw up a schedule for each period.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Johannes Hospitium Vleuten

Johannes Hospitium Vleuten:

“Just being very close to the other

The Johannes Hospitium is located in a quiet spot in the middle of Vleuten. The hospice offers people in their final phase of life a hospitable and comfortable stay with expert care and guidance. In a safe, familiar environment, it gives the guest and his loved ones the opportunity to say goodbye in peace and in a personal way. The Johannes Hospitium has room for eight guests. Each guest has a spacious private room with a terrace and a view of the garden. The Hospitium could not exist without the efforts of volunteers!
“Our volunteers do everything they can to give people what they need in a loving way in the last phase of their lives,” says volunteer coordinator Hetty Boven, “There are several ways to do this. There are volunteers who assist the nurses with the care, they help the guests with showering, dressing and eating, etc. Experience in care is not necessary for this. In addition, there are volunteers who receive visitors as hosts, answer the phone and provide coffee. Our beautiful garden is also maintained by volunteers. Cooking volunteers provide meals for our guests. Our volunteers are very involved, there is consultation and guidance. Courses are offered and a private choir sings, among other things, at memorial meetings. People often ask if the work is not hard. Of course it is intense, but dying is part of life and people mainly live in the Hospitium. Especially in a phase in which people let go of life. In addition to sadness, there is also room for happy memories and fun. That makes voluntary work so great to do, you can be very close to the other for a while ”.
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