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Stichting Al Amal

About Stichting Al Amal

The Al Amal Foundation is an independent organization that aims to promote the participation of families, mothers, women and youth in Utrecht and the Netherlands. It focuses on those who are unable to find their way in Dutch society on their own.

In Al Amal's view it is very important that all people (men, women, children and young people) participate in Dutch society. This is only possible when children grow up in a safe, stable environment with room for self-development. Then the chances are that they will grow up to be balanced adults. Many parents of multi-problem families, for various reasons, cannot offer their children this safe environment and, moreover, do not know how to approach regular care. Al Amal supports these families in finding the right roads.

The women who work for Al Amal work from a positive basic attitude. Approaching the other at an equal level and focusing on the other's own strengths and capabilities form an important starting point. Al Amal has chosen to work mainly preventively. Through the deployment of confidential counselors (key figures) in the neighborhood and the strong bond of trust that it has built up within the Moroccan Dutch community in particular, Al Amal wants to act as a bridge between various population groups and authorities. Al Amal wants to be permanently approachable for both her target group and the various authorities around her. Al Amal works, where necessary, together with the neighborhood teams, police, social brokers, safety house and other authorities in the field of safety and assistance.
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