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In the beautiful forest of Amelisweerd, the Stichting Historisch Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd leases and manages two vegetable gardens that have probably existed since the Middle Ages ...

Nature & sustainabilityAnimal welfare
Life on landZero hungerResponsible consumption and production


Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Bunnik, Utrecht, Nederland
Nature & sustainability
Good health and well-beingResponsible consumption and productionLife on land
The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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Stichting Historische Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd
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Drawing up the budget and annual accounts of the foundation, making payments and keeping the accounts, also advising on financial matters.

Detailed description

Will you be our new treasurer?

Who are we?

We are the voluntary board of the Foundation for Historic Vegetable Gardens Landgoed Amelisweerd. We ensure that the two historic vegetable gardens on the estate (Amelis'Hof near Oud Amelisweerd and Volle Grond near Nieuw Amelisweerd) are leased to horticulturalists, who cultivate the gardens organically. We ensure that this is done with an eye for the history of the place, biologically and with the help of volunteers. See further our site.

What are we looking for?

Our board consists of 7 driven people. We all have a thing for gardening/green/nature and are very fond of the Amelisweerd estate. We shape the board based on that passion. There are a number of permanent tasks (chairman, secretary and treasurer), but we also have a number of board members with specific knowledge, such as a lawyer, a former entrepreneur and a communication/media specialist. We are now looking for a treasurer. The treasurer must of course be able to perform a number of financial matters flawlessly. This includes drawing up the budget and annual accounts of the foundation, making payments and keeping the accounts up to date. But we look for something more in you. Someone who is a specialist in the field of finance within the board. Think, for example, of knowledge about the tax authorities and legislation in that area. But also how the collection of the lease works and how it is established. Knowledge about buildings and the like is also necessary to be able to advise the horticulturists properly. All this in order to be a good discussion partner for governments and other bodies as a board.

What does it cost?

We have an evening meeting 4 times a year. In addition, you do the above-mentioned things, such as preparing the annual accounts, making payments, thinking along and advising, etc. All in all, this will cost you an average of 2 to 3 hours per month.

What do you get in return?

It is a voluntary position, but you get a lot in return: enthusiastic board that puts its weight behind it together with you, passionate gardeners with a heart for the gardens, a good feeling and a fantastic green spot near Utrecht. Interested? Please contact the chairman Peter van Eijk, via the 'register' button next to this vacancy.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Stichting Historische Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd

In the beautiful forest of Amelisweerd, the Stichting Historisch Moestuinen Landgoed Amelisweerd leases and manages two vegetable gardens that have probably existed since the Middle Ages. The Foundation ensures that the cultural-historical character of both gardens is preserved and that only organic cultivation is done. Urban agriculture in optima forma.

In addition, StHMLA makes it possible for volunteers to work in the gardens. They contribute to the maintenance and beautification of the cultural-historical vegetable gardens, close to the city in a beautiful historic location.

The board of the Foundation meets four times a year, where the horticulturalists who run the horticultural businesses are also represented.
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