Volunteers wanted for counseling to church
Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/month
Perudreef 8, 3563 VA Utrecht, Netherlands
WellbeingOlder people
Vecht en IJssel, locatie Zuylenstede
Scan me or visit en.vcutrecht.nl/o/Vecht-en-IJssel-locatie-Zuylenstede/opportunities/Volunteers-wanted-for-counseling-to-church/24045 to join
Scan me or visit en.vcutrecht.nl/o/Vecht-en-IJssel-locatie-Zuylenstede/opportunities/Volunteers-wanted-for-counseling-to-church/24045 to join
Contact person
Katrin SturhanAsk Katrin a question
Bringing people to church on Sundays and serving coffee afterwards.Detailed description
Would you like to do something for others on Sunday morning? Zuylenstede clients can use your help during their Sunday morning church attendance. An important moment of the week for many. You guide clients from their apartment to the church service in the same building. After the service you serve them coffee and tea in our restaurant. We make a schedule for this activity, so you don't have to be available every week. Times are from 9:30 am to noon. If you wish, you can also contribute as a volunteer during the church service (collecting the collection, distributing the liturgy, reading the Bible, etc.).
What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service
🗣️ Native language skills
About Vecht en IJssel, locatie Zuylenstede
Vecht en IJssel is the service provider in housing, welfare and care for the elderly in the province of Utrecht. At four locations (Ewoud, Transwijk, Zuylenstede and Lieven de Key) and with Zorg Thuis, we are committed to optimal well-being for our clients. We do this based on the conviction that people, young and old, feel better when they are heard and seen. Especially at a time when older people are increasingly becoming isolated, Vecht and IJssel want to be the answer to this.
We strive to find valuable moments with and for our clients.
We strive to find valuable moments with and for our clients.