Oppasvrijwilligers gezocht!
Organisation role · 0–4 hrs/Week
Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland
BabysittingBefriendingYouth workDutch
Children & youthRefugees & minoritiesWellbeing
Huize Agnes
Scan me or visit en.vcutrecht.nl/o/Huize-Agnes/opportunities/Oppasvrijwilligers-gezocht/53444 to join
Scan me or visit en.vcutrecht.nl/o/Huize-Agnes/opportunities/Oppasvrijwilligers-gezocht/53444 to join
Contact person
Dorinda MaasAsk Dorinda a question
We zijn op zoek naar oppasvrijwilligers voor ons bijzondere opvanghuis! Flexibel, vast of incidenteel.Detailed description
Huize Agnes biedt tijdelijke opvang en begeleiding aan vrouwen en kinderen zonder verblijfsvergunning, die zich in een schrijnende situatie bevinden. We doen dat vanuit een drietal woonhuizen in de Utrechtse wijken Hoograven en Lunetten.
Tijdens hun verblijf bij Huize Agnes werken we samen met de bewoonsters aan hun toekomst. Als onderdeel daarvan leren ze bijvoorbeeld Nederlands, lezen en schrijven en fietsen. Om dit ook mogelijk te maken voor moeders met kleine kinderen (die nog niet naar school gaan) zoeken we vrijwilligers die willen oppassen.
Dat kan gaan om een paar uren op een vast dagdeel of incidenteel.
What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service
🗣️ Native language skills
What we will provide to volunteers
🤝 Extra supportAbout Huize Agnes
A place for women and children far from home
Huize Agnes offers temporary shelter and guidance to women and their children who are in the Netherlands without valid residence papers.
These women and their children cannot survive on the street, they are too vulnerable. Huize Agnes is a safe place where these women can relax and not have to worry about the next meal or a place to sleep for the night.
The situation of the residents of Huize Agnes is complex. Their knowledge of Dutch and the Netherlands is limited. They often suffer from trauma and experience a lot of stress due to their insecure situation. The guidance of Huize Agnes is aimed at ensuring that women regain control of their lives and work on a new future perspective from there.
We work closely together with various fellow institutions and the Municipality of Utrecht.
Huize Agnes offers temporary shelter and guidance to women and their children who are in the Netherlands without valid residence papers.
These women and their children cannot survive on the street, they are too vulnerable. Huize Agnes is a safe place where these women can relax and not have to worry about the next meal or a place to sleep for the night.
The situation of the residents of Huize Agnes is complex. Their knowledge of Dutch and the Netherlands is limited. They often suffer from trauma and experience a lot of stress due to their insecure situation. The guidance of Huize Agnes is aimed at ensuring that women regain control of their lives and work on a new future perspective from there.
We work closely together with various fellow institutions and the Municipality of Utrecht.