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Chairman of the Villa Vrede board

Chairman of the Villa Vrede board

Organisation role · 2–4 hrs/Week
Wijnesteinlaan 4, 3525 AL Utrecht, Netherlands
WellbeingChildren & youthRefugees & minorities
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Villa Vrede
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Stimulating (new) developments and acting as a mouthpiece for Villa Vrede

Detailed description

The board of 'Villa Vrede' is looking for a new chairman who can take over the duties of the current chairman.


In 2013, the day care center 'Villa Vrede' was established in Utrecht with the aim of providing undocumented migrants with a place to meet en provide a new perspective on life. Meanwhile, dozens of volunteers, 2 coordinators and the foundation board work together to manage this meeting place and organize the activities.

Because our chairman has to stop due to personal reasons, we are now looking for a new chairman.

More information about Villa Vrede can be found on the website.


The board of Villa Vrede currently consists of 3 members, a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer. It is the task of the board to give direction to the policy of the foundation and to create the conditions for coordinators and volunteers to realize day care ans activities.

The board is unpaid and meets about 8 times a year. Depending on specific tasks and circumstances, extra effort is required. This year we will will give most attention to finding a new location for our work.

Function of chairman

The chairman stimulates new developments, chairs board meetings and delegates tasks and is also the spokesperson of the board. This applies to external contacts, for example to authorities, landlord and donor organizations. But also internally towards coordinators, volunteers and undocumented migrants.


We are looking for a chairman who can fulfill this stimulating and representative role on the board.

Of course it is nice if the chairman is already familiar with organizations around undocumented migrants.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

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About Villa Vrede

Villa Vrede is a day care and activity center for undocumented migrants in Hoograven, Utrecht. The goal of Villa Vrede is to offer people without a residence permit a place where they can meet people, relax and develop further. A place to simply be, to get a face, to feel safe, to build a social network and to be stimulated to self-reliance.

How we do this? By offering a living room where people are always welcome. By cooking a hot meal every day and running the household together. And by setting up activities; from language lessons to sewing lessons and from information meetings about human rights to anti-stress groups.

Villa Vrede is run by approximately 60 volunteers, including people from the target group, and 3 paid employees.

In short, Villa Vrede is a place where everyone can feel welcome.
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